Is rainwater harvesting beneficial or perhaps it a waste of time? Taking steps to save natural resources is essential for sustaining environmental surroundings and protecting our water source is often a necessity. Without water the human race cannot survive, so whatever is done to preserve our planet’s supply is beneficial.

Rainwater Harvesting System Installation Site
Rainwater Harvesting System Installation Site

Rainwater harvesting can be a simple procedure that contains catching rainfall in the roof or other surfaces and storing it for usage. You can collect the rain in barrels positioned under the gutter downspouts on your own roof or you can setup a more elaborate system that also includes storage tanks, filters plus a pump.

Uses for rainwater include watering plants and lawns, washing vehicles and filling swimming pools. By utilizing rainfall you won’t be wasting valuable normal water and this helps to maintain a valuable natural resource. It is not advisable to drink rainwater that comes straight from the top in the house as a result of pollutants on top, however treatment systems can be obtained that make it safe to drink.

There are many benefits of collecting rainwater and you’ll be amazed to find out in the important benefits that is available.

Conserves Water
Every day each American uses approximately 80 to 100 gallons of water. Multiply that by 365 as well as the number is astounding. Water covers 75 percent of the earth but only 1 percent of that amount is usable. Most in the water on this planet is saltwater, which has too many minerals for human consumption. By substituting rainwater for a few of your activities, it will save you numerous gallons every day.

Saves Money
Every time you switch on the faucet in your house, it can be reflected inside the electricity bill you spend monthly. By using harvested rainwater, you are able to reduce the amount of your respective bill and lower your expenses.

Decreases Flooding and Runoff
Flooding and runoff on account of heavy rains causes soil erosion. The harmful outcomes of soil erosion include contaminated waterways due to fertilizers and pesticides inside soil as well as a decrease in stored water inside the soil, which hinders plant growth. Erosion also enhances the quantity of dust within the air, which provides for a pollutant and carries contagious disease organisms.

Beneficial to Plants and Lawns
Rainwater is naturally soft which is the best choice for healthy plants and lawns. Water from municipalities contains chlorine and softeners that additives can inhibit plant growth.

It’s Free
There’s very little in life that you are able to get for free, but rainwater is. There is an upfront cost to get a rain barrel and other collection system, however this beneficial to our environment purchase has decided to buy itself as well as the great things about harvesting rainwater are priceless.

If you want to know more about rainwater harvesting, please feel free to contact us, we are a professional Rainwater Harvesting System Manufacturer in China.